Smart GDPR

Compliance that works for you


Our approach is based on 3 pillars: A.Your executives own their data flows B.Data process designs are anew and early on C. Our diagnostic tool. In a nutshell, Smart GDPR uses your resources to run the project, hence you end up with more business sense and positive ROI as you ensure compliance.

Sourcing resources!

  1. Method and templates - ΞΥΝ
  2. Project management - ΞΥΝ
  3. DPO - assigned from within
  4. Legal support - your lawyer or recommended one
  5. Data flow owners - business owners

Project example

Step How ( indicative) Project Phase
1 Identify project need Presentation to BoD Kick off
2 Initial compliance assessment Workshop 2h - run diagnostic tool Current Status
3 Data flow synthesis Desk work Gap assessment
4 Align data flow synthesis 5 X mini workshops with executives Gap assessment
5 Putting together action plans Desk work Action planning
6 Align action plans and agree milestones Workshop 2h Execution
7 Develop processes with DPO Mgr 4 x workshop 4h with DPO Mgr Execution
8 Identify and commission enablers DPO Mgr Execution
9 Milestone 1 5 X mini workshops with executives Execution
10 Milestone 2 5 X mini workshops with executives Execution
11 Deploy new processes to personel Incorporate in training plans Execution
12 Auditing with key external partners 3 X workshop 4h Execution


10.000€ For 3-6 data flows.     5.000€ For 1-2 data flows

Additional VAT charges apply - Extra charges may apply for travel and hospitality if required

When you need that extra capacity in management or expertise, you will get what suits you with fast results because we use original protocols and have the capability to adjust them to your needs. If you also like things to last, we take care of efficient integration by working with you, to develop and apply solutions, rather than suggest things created in isolation. In a nutshell we own the protocols, deliver what you can use, walk together. Best quote we ever got from a customer: "calm pragmatism for an optimum approach".